Why e-government important???
E-Goverment represent an opportunity to make major contribution to economic development by assisting business to reduce their operation cost in dealing with goverment and have immediate access to government information.
Among others were Public Services Portal (myGovernment), e-Tanah, e-Consent, e-Filing, e-Local Government (e-PBT), e-Kehakiman, Custom Information System (SMK), Pensions Online Workflow Environment (POWER), and Training Information System (e-SILA).

- E-Tanah
- E-filling

- E-Kehakiman
- Custom information services
- E-sila
- Transformation.The use of ITS must greared toward introducing new work method ,by creating new operational processes and changing current process, as well as by changing government relationship with the public
- Broad scope. Ensure all citizens will have equal access and geographic location , the issue of time an dsocial strata must be taken into account
- Ease to use. Application that one to be implemented must be oriented toward citizens and hence be user friendly.
- Greater benefit. Application should ensure that the benefit of citizens will be greater than those from going in personto government offices.
- Security and privacy. When implementing applications, consideration should be given to using security and privacy mechanism and policies, to ensure the proper use and handling of personal information and transaction.
- Role of private sector. The private sector can assist the state in providing computer-based solution, as well as training goverment employees. And it can do so without limiting citizens access to information.
Problems facing by e-government implementation
- Language barrier - Most of the government websites using Bahasa Malaysia.
- Technological barrier - Lack of technical infrastructure
- Online behaviour - Malaysians remain sceptical on being distrust on electronic transaction especially on online banking buying from an Internet store.
- Lack of public awareness - Public are not aware of the services offered
Citizen adoption strategies
- Customer satisfaction. Successful of E-Government adoption must ensure the citizens show higher level of satisfaction .The more higher satisfaction ,the more easy for adoption of E-Goverment.
- Service Quality.Online service quality for e-Government could be measured in terms of quality of content provided on the website, the speed of the response to the citizens concerns with problem solving approach, and the availability of names. Ohter important factor is get in touch with citizen throught telephone or fax number of personnel. Besides that , ensure that the services provided by government must be the most latest and fast.Higher quality of service will lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and thus can increase the use of e-government services.
- Website design . The frontpage of the website ,customize of product offering and self-care is key features to causes the citizen use the government services . Its also can build relationship with the visitors, but also to enhance their experience.Visitors can also enhance thier interest to participate in those adoption by government
Success in delivering electronic services depends upon the capability and self-confidence of citizens in performing e-transactions, as well as their trust and confidence in the protection of their personal data within an open and accountable government. Furthermore,Goverment should be able to propose an effective strategy to encourage citizen’s adoption of e-government.
In my opinion, citizens should participate on government's adoption for example e-filling because nowaday internet already become very common tools for all users to make payment , selling and other activity .So, start from this second ,try to participate on government's adoption .In perspective of governemnt, governemnt should provide the good services and convenience for all citizens.
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Posted By Gan Jian Hao
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