Nowadays, Internet are very common to everyone to create, store and manage their data. There has a high degree of security risk when people using the internet to manage their data due to the data can open by every people. Therefore, it is necessary to build a safeguard to protect our data.
There are some suggestions stated in below:
Password Protect Passwords are the keys use to access personal information that are stored on the user computer and their accounts. Strong password is important for protecting our personal date. For a password to be strong and hard to break, it should at least contain 6 or more characters and the password also need to involve letters (A, B, C,...; a, b, c,...)Numerals (0, 1, 2, 3..) and Symbols. (! ,@, #, $, %...)
To test the strength of password, can go to this website. Password Chekers
Firewalls It is a gatekeeper system that protects a company's intranets and other computer networks from intrusion by providing a filter and safe transfer point for access to and from the Internet and other network.
Virus Defenses Install a antivirus software in order to protect the data from virus attacking. You can either buy a excellent anti-virus programs like kaspersky Anti-Virus or download a free software like AVG to protect your computer. In order for the well protection, you must also make sure to keep your software up to date.
Lock your computer at home and at office It's better to press lock computer or put a password on your screen saver. It can prevent others co-worker copy your data when u are away from your computer.
Use advanced techniques like encryption, anonymous browsing, etc Lastly, if you want to do mre than just the usual, you can encrypt your data, browse the internet anonymously. Encrytion is data transmitted in scrambled from and just will unscrambled by computer system for authorized users only.
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